Compressing Files Using Gzip on the Ubuntu Terminal

Compressing Files Using Gzip on the Ubuntu Terminal

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Compressing Files Using Gzip on the Ubuntu Terminal

In the world of data management and file handling, compression is a crucial technique that helps in reducing the size of files, making them easier to store and transfer. One of the most widely used tools for file compression on Linux systems, including Ubuntu, is gzip. This article will guide you through the process of compressing a single file using gzip on the Ubuntu terminal.

What is Gzip?

Gzip, short for GNU zip, is a file compression utility that uses the DEFLATE algorithm to reduce the size of files. It is particularly useful for compressing text files, such as log files, configuration files, and source code, as these types of files often contain a lot of redundant information that can be efficiently compressed.

Installing Gzip

Gzip is pre-installed on most Ubuntu systems. However, if it is not installed, you can easily install it using the following command:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gzip

Compressing a Single File

To compress a single file using gzip, you can use the following command:
gzip filename

For example, if you have a file named example.txt, you can compress it using:
gzip example.txt

After running this command, the example.txt file will be compressed, and a new file named example.txt.gz will be created. The original example.txt file will be removed.

Keeping the Original File

If you want to keep the original file after compression, you can use the -k option:
gzip -k filename

For example:
gzip -k example.txt

This command will compress example.txt and create example.txt.gz, while keeping the original example.txt file intact.

Verifying the Compression

To verify the compression, you can use the ls command to list the files in the directory:

You should see both the original file (if you used the -k option) and the compressed file.

Decompressing a File

To decompress a file that was compressed using gzip, you can use the gunzip command:
gunzip filename.gz

For example:
gunzip example.txt.gz

This command will decompress example.txt.gz and restore the original example.txt file.

Additional Options

Gzip offers several options to customize the compression process. Here are a few commonly used options:

  • -v: Verbose mode, which shows the compression ratio and other details.

  • -9: Maximum compression level (default is 6).

  • -1: Minimum compression level.

  • -r: Recursively compress files in directories.

For example, to compress a file with maximum compression and verbose output:
gzip -9v example.txt


Gzip is a powerful and versatile tool for file compression on Ubuntu and other Linux systems. Whether you need to compress a single file or an entire directory, gzip provides a simple and efficient way to manage your files. By using the commands and options discussed in this article, you can easily compress and decompress files on your Ubuntu terminal.

For more detailed information and additional examples, you can refer to the official guide on how to compress a single file using gzip on the Ubuntu terminal.

Happy compressing!

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